Printing Signatures


Print Signatures


eForms is able to print a certification signature on any form where such a signature is required.


Selecting a Signature




Open the signature dialog from the report you are printing by clicking on the “Signature” button in the Options section at the lower left of the reports screen

-Select the desired signature to be printed on the report from the drop down list
oUse the "Create eForms signature file" button to create the signature if a signature file does not already exist (see below)
-Click the “Select Signature” button to select the specified signature
-Click “Close” and print the report, ensuring the “Print certification signature” box is checked


Creating a Signature File




-Create the signature image with image editing software or from a photo. This image should be saved as a “.png” or “.jpg”.
oUse image editing software to write your signature on a light or transparent background. Most image editing applications will accept input from a touch-screen, digital pen/tablet combination or a mouse.
oWrite your signature in black ink on white paper and take a photo of it in a well-lit room
-Use the "Browse" button to locate your signature file, eForms will automatically
oresize the signature image to fit the form
omake the background of the signature transparent
-Set the Signee Name for the signature
-Save the signature file and select it as described above