Relevé 2 (RL-2) - Retirement and Annuity Income
Here's how the AvanTax eForms software can help you prepare your Relevé 2 return:
- User friendly Relevé 2 data entry
- Import Relevé 2 data from CSV, Excel, or Revenu Québec XML submission file*
- Print Relevé 2 slips and summaries on plain paper or Revenu Québec forms
- Create individual Relevé 2 slips (password protected PDF) for electronic distribution**
- Distribute recipient Relevé 2 slips by email or corporate portal**
- Prepare Relevé 2 XML files and upload over Revenu Québec's Internet File Transfer portal
- Easily process original, amended, cancelled and additional Relevé 2 returns
- Roll forward previous year Relevé 2 data into current year
- Roll forward current year Relevé 2 data into following year
- Unlimited technical support by phone, email or live chat
- and much more!
* eForms Standard & Enterprise
** eForms Enterprise

The Relevé 2 slip must be filed by RRSP and RRIF issuers, by PRPP and VRSP administrators, by DPSP trustees, and by payers of retirement benefits, annuities and income-averaging annuities.
The information on the Relevé 2 slip is used by recipients to complete the personal income tax return (TP-1-V).