Relevé 31 (RL-31) - Information About a Leased Dwelling
Here's how the AvanTax eForms software can help you prepare your Relevé 31 return:
- User friendly Relevé 31 data entry
- Import Relevé 31 data from CSV, Excel, or Revenu Québec XML submission file*
- Print Relevé 31 slips and summaries on plain paper or Revenu Québec forms
- Create individual Relevé 31 slips (password protected PDF) for electronic distribution**
- Distribute recipient Relevé 31 slips by email or corporate portal**
- Prepare Relevé 31 XML files and upload over Revenu Québec's Internet File Transfer portal
- Easily process original, amended, cancelled and additional Relevé 31 returns
- Roll forward previous year Relevé 31 data into current year
- Roll forward current year Relevé 31 data into following year
- Unlimited technical support by phone, email or live chat
- and much more!
* eForms Standard & Enterprise
** eForms Enterprise

The Relevé 31 slip must be filed by rental property owners that leased a dwelling for which rent was paid or payable on December 31.
The Relevé 31 slip must be filed with Revenu Québec, whereas the Relevé 31.CS slip must be given to the tenants or subtenants.