T4A-NR - Statement of Fees, Commissions, or Other Amounts Paid to Non-Residents for Services Rendered in Canada

Here's how the AvanTax eForms software can help you prepare your T4A-NR return:
  • User friendly T4A-NR data entry
  • Import T4A-NR data from CSV, Excel, or CRA XML submission file*
  • Print T4A-NR slips and summaries on plain paper or CRA forms
  • Create individual T4A-NR slips (password protected PDF) for electronic distribution**
  • Distribute recipient T4A-NR slips by email or corporate portal**
  • Prepare T4A-NR XML files and upload over CRA's Internet File Transfer portal
  • Easily process original, amended, cancelled and additional T4A-NR returns
  • PLUS!
    • Roll forward previous year T4A-NR data into current year
    • Roll forward current year T4A-NR data into following year
    • Unlimited technical support by phone, email or live chat
    • and much more!

* eForms Standard & Enterprise
** eForms Enterprise

Use the T4A-NR slip to report all amounts you paid to non-resident individuals, partnerships, and corporations for services they performed in Canada that they did not perform in the ordinary course of an office or employment.