Replacing the T619 Section of a CRA XML File

CRA has changed their requirements for XML submissions and now requires all files, including those from prior years, to be formatted according to the 2024 specifications. Amended, cancelled and additional XML files created with eForms 2023 and earlier will be rejected by CRA. There is a workaround that allows you to successfully submit your XML files by updating your previous year's XML file to the new CRA XML requirements by following the instructions below.

We've also created a simple tool that will do this for you, click here to get it.

  1. Open the eForms version for the year for which you need to create a previous year's XML submission.
  2. Create the XML submission for that year as per these instructions.
  3. When the XML file has been created make a backup of it.
  4. Open the created XML file in NotePad (included with Windows).
  5. Find the section enclosed between the <T619> and </T619> tags.
  6. Important! You must remember the value between the <rpt_tcd> and </rpt_tcd> tags ('O' = Original; 'A' = Amended; 'C' = Cancelled).
    The T619 section will look something like this when you start (demo data), delete everything between the <T619> and </T619> tags:
    • <T619>
    • <sbmt_ref_id>20</sbmt_ref_id>
    • <rpt_tcd>O</rpt_tcd>
    • <trnmtr_nbr>MM555555</trnmtr_nbr>
    • <trnmtr_tcd>3</trnmtr_tcd>
    • <summ_cnt>000001</summ_cnt>
    • <lang_cd>E</lang_cd>
    • <TRNMTR_NM>
    • <l1_nm>Demo Transmitter</l1_nm>
    • </TRNMTR_NM>
    • <addr_l1_txt>Transmitter Address Line 1</addr_l1_txt>
    • <cty_nm>Ottawa</cty_nm>
    • <prov_cd>ON</prov_cd>
    • <cntry_cd>CAN</cntry_cd>
    • <pstl_cd>A1B2C3</pstl_cd>
    • </TRNMTR_ADDR>
    • <CNTC>
    • <cntc_nm>Transmitting Person</cntc_nm>
    • <cntc_area_cd>111</cntc_area_cd>
    • <cntc_phn_nbr>222-3333</cntc_phn_nbr>
    • <cntc_extn_nbr>444</cntc_extn_nbr>
    • <cntc_email_area></cntc_email_area>
    • </CNTC>
    • </T619>
    and it should look like this after the delete:
    • <T619>
    • </T619>
  7. Open the most recent version of eForms.
  8. Create a CRA XML file for any form, it doesn't matter which form as long as a valid CRA XML file can be created.
  9. Open the created XML file in NotePad (included with Windows).
  10. Find the section enclosed within the <T619> and </T619> tags and copy the entire section between the <T619> and </T619> tags. The T619 section will look something like this (demo data):
    • <T619>
    • <TransmitterAccountNumber>
    • <bn15>123456782RP0001</bn15>
    • </TransmitterAccountNumber>
    • <TransmitterRepID>
    • <RepID>1234567</RepID>
    • </TransmitterRepID>
    • <sbmt_ref_id>33</sbmt_ref_id>
    • <summ_cnt>000001</summ_cnt>
    • <lang_cd>E</lang_cd>
    • <TransmitterName>
    • <l1_nm>Demo Transmitter</l1_nm>
    • </TransmitterName>
    • <TransmitterCountryCode>CAN</TransmitterCountryCode>
    • <CNTC>
    • <cntc_nm>Transmitting Person</cntc_nm>
    • <cntc_area_cd>111</cntc_area_cd>
    • <cntc_phn_nbr>222-3333</cntc_phn_nbr>
    • <cntc_extn_nbr>444</cntc_extn_nbr>
    • <cntc_email_area></cntc_email_area>
    • </CNTC>
    • </T619>
  11. Important! Use the same value between the <rpt_tcd> and </rpt_tcd> tags that was in the previous year's file ('O' = Original; 'A' = Amended; 'C' = Cancelled).
    Copy everything between the <T619> and </T619> tags in the new XML file and paste it between the <T619> and </T619> tags in the previous year's XML file.
  12. Save the modified previous year's XML file using FILE > SAVE AS and selecting *.* in FILE TYPE to ensure that the file is saved as an XML file and not a TXT file (NotePad is funny that way and will save as a TXT file if given half a chance)
  13. Submit the previous year's XML file as per usual.

And you're finished!

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