Services Offered by AvanTax Filing Services

It doesn't matter if you're large or small; 100% Canadian; in the USA or a multi-national with Canadian operations, we'll save you time and trouble. Let us prepare your recipent slips and submit your XML returns to Canada Revenue Agency and Revenu Québec for you.

We're the answer to your question: "Can someone prepare (or print & mail) my tax slips and upload my XML file for me?"

Outsource your tax slip processing to us and we'll give you back a completed return.
Our Standard Package services include:
  • Data import from CSV or Excel and from CRA & RQ XML files
  • Data conversion into CRA & RQ XML formats
  • Data validation against CRA & RQ XML schemas
  • Pre-submission client & internal reviews
  • Submit XML returns to CRA & RQ
  • PDF of XML submission confirmation
  • PDF of all recipient slips for self-distribution
  • PDF of all corporat summaries
  • Copies of all reports for your files
Make life even easier, let us distribute recipient slips or prepare PDFs for your corporate portal.
Our Optional Services include:
  • Printed recipient slips
  • Print & include cover letter or other document
  • Print custom watermark on slips
  • Print corporate logo on slips
  • Mail printed slips to their recipients
  • Return ship printed slips to client for self-distribution
  • Prepare recipient PDF slips suitable for use on corporate portals
  • Email password protected PDF slips to recipients
  • Include cover letter or other attachment with email
We don't just process tax forms, we also offer a wide range of custom services.
Our Custom Services include:
  • Unclaimed property filings
  • Multi-year submisisons
  • Previous years' submisisons
  • Multi-page forms printing
  • XML creation from any source
  • Customized forms
  • Customized data printing
  • Customized XML formatting
For organizations that will be processing their tax slips and preparing their XML uploads internally.
We understand that, despite our careful attention to data security and confidentiality, some of our clients will be more comfortable with processing their tax slip data themselve.
To those clients we offer AvanTax eForms, one of the best tax slip software solutions available. If you'd prefer to keep your tax slip processing in-house then click here to learn more about AvanTax eForms and how it can help you through a very stressful time of year. You won't be sorry that you did.