Printing Corporate Logos


Print Corporate Logo (eForms Enterprise only)

You can use eForms to print your corporate log on any included form. Once created, the logo will be printed on ALL output until it is either deleted or you log in as a different user.


To print your corporate logo on any form, please ensure that the following are true:


The CustomForms folder must exist under the current data folder
oUnder eForms' default installation settings the CustomForms folder will be "C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\AvanTax eForms 2024\Data\CustomForms"
oThe current data folder is shown on line 2 of Diagnostics and File Locations (HELP > DIAGNOSTICS AND FILE LOCATIONS)
The logo file and optional logo parameter file must exist in the CustomForms folder
The logo file must be named "username_formname_Logo.png", where:
o"username" is the name you use to logon to eForms
o"formname" is the name of the form on which to print the logo (for example: T4Sum, T4Slip, R1Sum or R1Slip)
oAn example of a logo filename is "USERNAME_T4SUM_LOGO.png"
The logo parameter file must be named "username_formname_LogoParam.txt", where:
o"username" is the name you use to logon to eForms
o"formname" is the name of the form on which to print the logo (for example: T4Sum, T4Slip, R1Sum or R1Slip)
oAn example of a logo parameter filename is "USERNAME_T4SUM_LOGOPARAM.txt"
The logo parameter file must contain data specifying the position and size of the logo in the format "X, Y, W, H" , where:
o"X" is the horizontal offset of the top left corner of the logo from the top left corner of the form in inches
o"Y" is the vertical offset of the top left corner of the logo from the top left corner of the form in inches
o"W" is the width of the logo in inches
o"H" is the height of the logo in inches
oTo print a 2 x 0.5 inch logo 5 inches down and 3 inches across a form the logo parameter file would contain: 3, 5, 2, 0.5
If the logo prints in the wrong size you can add an optional scaling factor as the fifth item of the parameter file, following "X, Y, W, H" (for example: 3, 5, 2, 0.5, factor)
oIf this number is 0.25 the logo size and position will decrease by 75%
oIf this number is 1.75 the logo size and position will increase by 75%
The background of the logo must be transparent so that background text on the form will not be obstructed