Slip Information




Tools-Global Changes-Slips


Refer to the section Company Selection for details on selecting companies to be included in this process.


Use the Global Changes - Slip Information tool to modify the taxation year and province of employment and/or initialize data on slips of any return types that exist for any companies in the current database. The return types to which the changes will be applied can be selected from Slips to be Changed. The desired changes are entered as appropriate under Options. Clicking on Apply will apply the changes to all selected companies.


Changes made using this tool can not be undone unless you use "Backup Database" to create a backup before proceeding.


Options (only a single option can be selected at a time)

Change tax year to...

The year on all selected slips will be changed to the indicated year when this box is checked.


Change T4 province of employment to...

The province of employment on all selected slips will be changed to the indicated province of employment when this box is checked.


Initialize slips (zero amounts, remove "Amended" etc.)

Check this box to initialize all selected slips to contain only name and address information.


Fix EI insurable earnings on T4s

Set EI insurable earnings to the lesser of Employment Income (Box 14) and Maximum EI Earnings ($1,049.12) on all selected T4s.

NOTE: EI insurable earnings will be overwritten on all selected T4s that are not EI exempt.


Fix CPP-QPP pensionable earnings on T4s

Set CPP pensionable earnings the lesser of Employment Income (Box 14) and Maximum CPP Earnings ($3,867.50) on all selected T4s.

NOTE: CPP pensionable earnings will be overwritten on all selected T4s that are not CPP exempt.


Fix CPP-QPP pensionable earnings on Relevé 1s

Set QPP pensionable earnings to the lesser of Employment Income (Box A) and Maximum QPP Earnings ($4,160.00) on all selected Relevé 1s.

NOTE: QPP pensionable earnings will be overwritten on all selected Relevé 1s that are not QPP exempt.


Change slip type to...

The slip type on all selected slips will be changed to the indicated type (Original, Amended or Cancelled) when this box is checked.


Change "Text At Top" to...

The "Text At Top" field on all selected slips will be changed as indicated when this box is checked.


Set invalid SINs to "000-000-000"

All invalid and missing SINs will be set to "000-000-000" for all selected slips when this box is checked.


Set email consent to...

Email consent will be set to either "Yes" or "No" for all selected slips when this box is checked (email consent is used only by eForms Enterprise)